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The Perfect Piece

  • Artist Name: Bhushan Vaidya
  • Size: 72 x 48 Inches
  • Medium: Wood & Acrylic Wall Installation

In the piece of art titled as “The Perfect Piece,” the metaphor of a puzzle is used to address the concepts of love and relationships. The artwork consists of hand-painted interconnected puzzle pieces that fit together to form a lovely picture, which was inspired by Roy Lichtenstein’s pop-art movement.

The artwork conveys the idea that relationships are like puzzles; it takes time, effort, and the right pieces to assemble a lovely picture. The picture of love is a work in progress that is never fully finished because each piece of the puzzle contributes more and more to the overall picture.

The artwork implies through its commentary that finding the right partner is equivalent to discovering the perfect piece that completes the masterpiece that is life. It emphasizes the significance that each piece of the puzzle offers to a relationship and the importance of its building blocks.

Price : ₹110000/-